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Explore the highs and lows; from beaches to mountains, a Paradise awaits you

Why choose between the ocean blues and the mountain greens for your next vacation? Kahani Paradise offers a dream destination in the heart of Gokarna, gifted with a blend of warm, golden beach shores and serene, scenic mountain tops.

We invite the explorer in you to immerse yourself in a distinctively unique experience where you get to delve deep into diverse environments and engage in activities that intensify your satisfaction, exceed your expectations and redefine relaxation. Explore the dual nature of Gokarna with magical and exclusive activities that cater to you and beautify your getaway.

Beach Activities:

Private boat trips:

Move along the rhythm of the waves as the ocean breeze calms your nerves and the sprinkles of water cool you down as you uncover the local charm with the luxurious feel of your private boat.

Picnic at the beach:

Let the voice of the shore spark infinite conversations with your loved ones as you indulge in a comfort meal with your feet in the sand and your mind at peace as you while away in a moment that you wouldn’t want to end.

Water Sports:

Once the relaxation is over, the fun begins. Let your adventurous side out with activities like kayaking, fishing and snorkelling and get a glimpse of life under the sea. Let your adrenaline rise with the waves and take away a lifetime of memories. 

Mountain Activities:


Grab your mountain shoes, embark on hikes amongst the captivating greens and embrace your connection with nature. Enjoy panoramic views of the land in sight and let a breath of the pure morning air lift your senses.

Cooking in the forest:

A therapeutic, meditative and exclusive activity at Kahani Paradise that adds a pinch of excitement to your adventure and enhances an everyday activity to make you feel at home amongst the greenery.

Open air yoga:

Open your eyes to see your safe place become a reality with open air yoga that offers calming sounds, sights and scenes of the mountains that help your body and mind become one with nature and reach a higher level of mindfulness and relaxation.


We at Kahani Paradise want you to take a deep dive into nature in all forms so you leave with a vision of your raw and peaceful self at rest without the distractions of your everyday life. Our private boutique hotel is your one-stop relaxation spot that lets you experience all the intricacies of your desire for a break in your own unique way. Kahani provides a sense of luxury through a level of personalization that caters to your needs and unfolds a chapter of elegance in the middle of your story of enchantment and spellbinding beauty of nature. A story that you’ll crave to restart the moment it comes to an end. When the ups and downs of your life make you lose yourself, return to our hidden kingdom and rediscover yourself within the highs and lows of the waves and peaks.

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