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The comfort of cooking amongst the calm of nature

Cooking can be a therapeutic experience for many, which is elevated to a higher level of comfort with fresh ingredients and natural woods at Kahani Paradise. Cooking sessions in the forest, an exclusive activity at Kahani, adds a pinch of excitement to your adventure and enhances an everyday activity to make you feel at home amongst the greenery. Visitors who engage in this activity have relished dishes and several other benefits along with it: 

Benefits of Outdoor Cooking Sessions:

Fresh, local ingredients: Create dishes that make you and your body feel good with the fresh catch of the day, organically produced goodness of local ingredients found in Gokarna, and indulge in the sounds and scents of the forest. Garden-fresh ingredients free from pesticides and chemicals ensure your physical well-being and promote sustainable efforts to enhance the wholesomeness of your culinary experience. 

Deepens connection with nature: Spending time in nature is known to reduce stress, improve your mood, and boost creativity. An escapade like this allows you to dive deep into the depths of the forest of Gokarna and to see yourself as one of its elements. The ingredients seem to be more flavorful, your palette more diversified, the environment more serene and the emotions magnified. 

Focuses on mindfulness: The therapeutic nature of cooking makes the activity a meditative experience. As you tend to yourself amongst a calm environment, you’re bound to find solace in every aspect of your personalized process. You’ll find yourself more aware of your soul, your surroundings and eager to embrace each moment that passes by as you reconnect with yourself and take a step towards attaining inner peace.

Strengthens social bonds: We at Kahani Paradise don’t want you to just share a meal with your loved ones, but to also share the process, a few laughs, memories you’ll cherish for years to come, and stories you’ll spread to make your getaway leave an everlasting imprint in your mind. Disconnect from the outside world and create your own without any distractions, raw conversations, and utmost individuality.

Enhance your overall wellness experience: Cooking in the forest is an added ingredient to the wellness recipe curated by Kahani for your satisfaction. It is an insertion that enhances the tranquility of your paradise and furnishes a sense of belonging to amplify your infatuation and engagement with the tales of the greenwood and its characters. An additional stop in your wellness journey that brings you closer to your destination.


At Kahani Paradise, we take the wellness journey with you as travel buddies rather than just guides. Every activity is planned to help you take a part of paradise home with you. We invite you to rediscover the joy of cooking, be delighted by your dishes, find comfort in your comfort food, embrace the essence of the environment, and be reminded of the peace you found the next time you take a moment for yourself to prepare and indulge in your treasured treat.

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